• In the 24 hour period ending at 11 pm last night, there were 998 new cases and 106 deaths, including 86 from influenza, 11 from lobar pneumonia, and 9 from broncho-pneumonia.• Compare with Tuesday: 1,122 cases/107 deaths, and Monday: 1,504 deaths/106 cases• Dr. Gram encouraged people not to relax their preventive measures, and suggested some, including alkaline spray for the nose and throat three times a day; wearing a mask over the nose and mouth; and using an influenza vaccine.• Dr. Gram said doctors may not agree on all of them, but they are effective, and he uses them himself.• City bacteriologist Dr. William G. Bissell is in charge of the health dept. vaccine bureau, which has made vaccine available to doctors, who must administer it...